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I welcome you, user of the Internet! At once to business: for certain though sometimes you watch TV, means, you get on advertising, what now frequently meets in TV advertising? Correctly! The rollers advertising different ringtones:
- The worn out pop melodies;
- Worn out audios and sounds;
" Call number XXXX and receive this melody! " - advertising declares, and below by liiiiittle letters is written: " cost of minute of connection of 3.99 credits... Or " send a code liked (only one of eight!) melodies on short number XXXX ". Cost of sending sms on short number XXXX is near 2.40 of credits. For the order of a melody it is necessary to send two sms...
So, to what all this was told. The site on which you now are, offers ringtones (fragments of songs) COMPLETELY FREE-OF-CHARGE!!! Any visitor can download ringtones for free, without any registration, specifications, inputs of codes and other marasm.
Now it is a little about copyrights: on the given site there is no beforehand bought or downloaded, and then exposed ringtone, so SEARCH, the CHOICE, CUTTING, RECODING of EACH OF ringtones it IS UNIQUE, they are not downloaded from other site, and then laid out here, IT IS THE PRIMARY SOURCE, whether it is wonderful? Certainly, with modern progress of mobile phones the majority of users prefer to cut out ringtones by themselfes, and then to throw off on the phone, in that case with the given site you simplify to yourselves life because In EVERY RINGTONE the most INTERESTING PART of the COMPOSITION IS CUT OUT. The tempting offer, isn't it?
Content, feedback
Now we shall talk that you can find on a site. Here all is very simple: free ringtones, taking place in bank, in the majority the concern to various directions of electronic music. To the left of you icons with styles, in any of which a lot of interesting is covered. On all questions, with claims and wishes, and also hands of the help, I ask to address here:, and also knock in ICQ by number 391660988.